Rent our hall and pavilions for your events!
Park Pavilion Reservations
CONFIRM DATES – Please call and leave a detailed message 573-364-4386
or email us a detailed message here:
All park pavilions are available for reservation for free, but must be reserved. Pavilions can be reserved from 9 am to 3 pm or 3 pm to 9 pm any day of the week. The park is closed during the winter months and for several weeks during our Carnival. There are some restrictions regarding the use of the park. Please call for more information.

Park Pavilions

Pavilion 1

Pavilion 2

Pavilion 3

Pavilion 4

Pavilion 5
Baseball / Softball Fields – Please call 573-364-4386 and leave a message
Two well maintained, fenced fields of little league dimensions are now available for boys and girls 12 years and younger. About 300 children, starting at age 6, on 24 teams, play baseball and softball on these fields each year. A larger field is available for children over 12 years of age and for adults. Play for adults is limited to softball. Two practice fields are also available. During the months of May through July, you are encouraged to make reservations for these fields, especially during the evenings of Monday through Friday, and during the weekends. During league play, priority will be given to youth teams.
The Rolla Lions Club Park has a major playground area and two smaller areas near outlying pavilions. Also available are two basketball and two volleyball courts with nets.
The park has a small lake that is stocked two times each year with bass, catfish, and perch for the enjoyment of the youngest to the most skilled fisherman. We have a daily limit of 5 fish per individual fisherman. An accessible dock is available for those who need a wheelchair accessible facility.
Mountain Bike Trail
There is a 4.5 mile mountain bike trail at the rear of the park.
Soccer Complex
Currently there are 4 major size fields that can easily be divided in half to accommodate the younger players. The Rolla Youth Soccer League is directly responsible for managing, maintaining, and scheduling all soccer games at the complex. For more information contact the Rolla Area Youth Soccer League.
Regional Fire Training Center
Regional Fire Training Facility
On July 1, 1986, the Rolla Lions Club entered into a lease agreement with the City of Rolla to complete construction of a fire training facility. A multi-purpose training center which meets National Fire Protection Standards was constructed with the assistance of labor and money from the Rolla Lions Club.
At the present time, it includes a smoke-house (a house like structure which can be filled with smoke), and a tower to simulate high-rise buildings and within that tower a standpipe and sprinkler system was installed. The system includes fire department connections on the outside of the building standpipe connections on each floor, and the ability to use a variety of sprinkler heads. This permits students to become familiar with operating values for the sprinkler systems, hooking fire department connections on the outside of the building, identifying and replacing sprinkler heads and other fire sprinkler properties. The facility also includes a flammable liquid pit which simulates emergencies involving hazardous liquids, a drafting pit which is used to simulate drafting from a static water source, as well as performing mandated annual pumper service fire tests.
The facility is made available for use to all area fire departments.
Before the Rolla Lions Club Fire Training Facility was available these fire departments had no formal local training facility.
Future plans for the facility include a classroom area, a flammable liquid loading dock, liquid propane gas, and a bulk trailer mock-up area.
The Regional Fire Training Center is operated by the City of Rolla Fire and Rescue Department.

More About the Park
Rolla Lions Club Park has 7 outlying pavilions and 3 large pavilions in the main part of the park. Each pavilion has electricity and water. Small charcoal grills are available for the smaller outlying pavilions and large grills are available for larger gatherings. Since an average of about 400 pavilions are reserved each year, you are encouraged to make your reservations as early as possibly.
To reserve a pavilion for a family picnic or a company outing, call 573-364-4386 and leave a message.
The Rolla Lions Club Park has a major playground area and two smaller areas near outlying pavilions. Also available are two basketball and two volleyball courts with nets
The park has a small lake that is stocked two times each year with bass, catfish, and perch for the enjoyment of the youngest to the most skilled fisherman. An accessible dock is available for those who need a wheelchair accessible facility.
Two well maintained, fenced fields of little league dimensions are now available for boys and girls 12 years and younger. About 300 children, starting at age 6, on 24 teams, play baseball and softball on these fields each year. A larger field is available for children over 12 years of age and for adults. Play for adults is limited to softball. Two practice fields are also available. During the months of May through July, you are encouraged to make reservations for these fields, especially during the evenings of Monday through Friday, and during the weekends. During league play, priority will be given to youth teams.
There is a 4.5 mile mountain bike trail at the rear of the park.
Currently there are 4 major size fields that can easily be divided in half to accommodate the younger players. The Rolla Youth Soccer League is directly responsible for managing, maintaining, and scheduling all soccer games at the complex. For more information contact the Rolla Area Youth Soccer League.
The Rolla Lions Club has an 18 hole Disc golf course which is open to the public. Any other use of the course than by the general public must be approved by the Rolla Lions Club Board of Directors.
Additionally, fundraising events are prohibited in the Lions Club Park unless there is prior approval by the Rolla Lions Club Board and that approval is only considered when the person or group seeking approval comes before the board in person.
These are just some of the features of the park that your donations are used to help maintain such a vast area for your enjoyment.